11 June
Cancellation postage stamps: Mimo special edition
11 Jun 2022 Permalink

Cancellation postage stamps: Mimo special edition

It will be possible to purchase cancellation on Saturday 18 and Sunday 19 June in Piazza del Duomo in Milan, in the Hospitality MIMO Center, and in Piazza Roma in Monza from 11:00 to 17:00 at the Poste Italiane stations.

A limited edition philatelic folder edited by Poste Italiane was also published for the occasion.

The special cancellations, after use on 18 and 19 June, will be available for the following sixty days at the philatelic branches in Milan Palazzo della Regione via Algarotti 1 and in Monza in Corso Milano 56.

An interesting initiative by Poste Italiane for all people who are passionate about cars and philatelic.

We are waiting for you!